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Prancing Palominos

16,160 Downloads 551 Thanks  Thanks 43 Favourited 61,879 Views
Uploaded: 25th Nov 2010 at 7:11 PM

Well I'm back again with two more recolors of Dragon Slave's basic horse mesh (here at MTS). This time I've decided to do palominos. Well, one is a very light palomino and the other is more of an overo, with a few white markings. The latter is based on a Breyer that I own in real life (because I'm a nerd like that.)

-Dragon Slave Recolor: Light Palomino-

-Dragon Slave Recolor: Overo Palomino-

-Both recolors shown together-
(in-game shots)

-Reqs & Whatnot-

(a) I have all Expansion Packs; However, Dragon Slave's mesh is base game compatible, so I don't see why recolors wouldn't be also.

(b) You will need to grab Dragon Slave's basic horse mesh if you don't already have it. There should be a link attached to this post.

(c) Please take the time to read through Dragon Slave's post. She clearly states that (unfortunately) these horses function as STATUES/DECO OBJECTS. They are not animated.

(d) I have made the recolors. I do NOT take any credit for the mesh.


I'm happy to share these with you! I hope you find a good use for them!

The Vintage Sim

Additional Credits:
Dragon Slave (MTS)