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Horticultural Research Centre (Non Tomb Version)

995 Downloads 79 Thanks  Thanks 20 Favourited 9,350 Views
Uploaded: 24th Aug 2013 at 3:20 PM

Sunset Valley's new Horticultural Research Centre (or HRC for short) dedicates its research to all that is leafy and green. Built on a 30 x 30 community lot, Sunset Valley's new HRC ideal placement is on 53 Waterfall Way and has been uploaded as a workable Library.

Please note this is STANDARD NON-TOMB version of this lot. To download the -> -> PLAYABLE TOMB <- <- version of this lot please click HERE .

Requires: World Adventures, Ambitions, Night Life, Generations, Pets, Showtime, Supernatural, and Island Paradise

Furnished Cost: 374,547
Unfurnished Cost: 208,071
Game Version:

Lot Size: 3x3
Lot Price: 374547