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Point Love Public Beach

4,495 Downloads 226 Thanks  Thanks 32 Favourited 18,893 Views
Uploaded: 8th May 2014 at 5:14 PM
Here is a public beach for base game Sims who love a lake, sunshine, shade, swings, barbecues, and clean restrooms with showers. Your Sims can spend the day working on relationships and keeping the fun meter full.

The lot doesn't contain custom content, but I recommend that you download RGiles' transparent tiles for the lake. As is obvious, I used the blue carpet, and if you aren't picky and don't mind using your imagination, your Sims can swim to their hearts' content, but the transparent tiles will really improve the experience.


The link I provided is for niol's version of RGiles' tiles which won't crash Homecrafter.

Spend a day in the sun with your whole Sim family.

Lot Size: 5x3
Lot Price: 46,541

Additional Credits:
AnyGameStarter by Numenor