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#1 Old 21st Jun 2007 at 6:00 PM
An Ongoing Discussion
Some of us in our korean sims2 modding community have been discussing and working on this 'attraction mod' for about 6 months now...

We first came together in our constant insatisfaction about a certain lack of character of the sims in the game, particularly of how little a sim's looks, status and maybe even personality have effect on how NPC's react to it. For example, in real life, there obviously is much more emotion about what other people look like(envy, disgust, you name it). Yes, some members of our community have said it is simply taking it too far, but fortunately, a dozen of more enthusiastic people has stood up to that and we HAD been working hard, yet the project seems to have come to an end...

The main reason for that was that everyone knew about the limits of how detailed(and satisfying, most of all) the final product could be, and there would have been other minor problems like the lack of talent and manpower in our group, plus some very demanding programming and BHAV issues we faced...

Altho most of the group have given up and even deleted the files they have worked on(which was very exasperating indeed.), I intent to go on and do anything that will eventually see this project finished, by EA if not anyone will take this suggestion lol Yeah, I think it would be great if we could send a message to EA signed by a large number of fans about this, too.

Sooooo.... what do you think?

Mad Poster
#2 Old 24th Jun 2007 at 1:28 PM
Make it the will other huge simmer populations also have to make EA think this is an important feature they really have to add before TS3 if that should be added.
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