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#1 Old 28th Apr 2020 at 5:03 AM
Default Issue Exporting From TSRW To Blender And Then From Blender Back Again
Hello all,

I have just recently started to mod again and get into Blender for the first time. My issue is, I can export .obj files from TSRW V 2.2.70 successfully and import them into Blender V 2.81.16 and it seems to work flawlessly until I try to import again into TSRW. Upon attempting to upload my new modified character mesh, it gives me some generic error which just says "ERROR" and the header on the window reads "Could not import OBJ. Make sure the number of vertices is... (something)... 245.Error". I am just wondering if anyone has ever encountered an error like this before and if so how you solved it. I've researched around and some seem to think it has to do with vertex groups, and grouping the mesh into one object. Tried grouping the mesh into one object, tried following Similicious's advice here:


At this point nothing has worked thus far and it's frustrating to say the least. Got Blender to work with Sims 4 Studio and already made Pre-Sets in Sims 4 soo not entirely sure what's going on. Any help would be appreciated.
#2 Old 12th Feb 2022 at 3:27 PM
No one answered? Well, to give some answer that may help anyone looking now...

As far as I know, you cannot import a garment mesh as .obj, even though the option is there, and can export a mesh that way from TSRW. Import as .obj does work with decor type objects, but not always when object has been altered.

Back to garments... Get Meshing Tool Kit, if you do not already have. Convert your .obj to geom, then to .wso. Find a CAS part in TSRW that is a good clone option that is as similar to your mesh as possible. Export each LOD and save to work folder. In Tool Kit, transfer bones, fix seams and transfer morphs to your mesh, using the appropriate LOD from the donor .wso. Do this for all LODs, or you will have a completely different looking garment when zooming out.

Highly altered meshes may not take morphs perfectly, especially fat morph. Tool Kit calculates vertices position based on the reference, and does it's best with custom meshes with many more vertices than the reference. Not getting into fixing anything that is way off, as that is a long process and longer to explain. (At least for me).
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