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#1 Old 13th Mar 2009 at 2:02 PM
Jon Stewart vs Jim Kramer on the Daily Show
So who else watched Jon Stewart being a scary hard ass investigative journalist last night? The only nice thing I can say about Jim Kramer is that at least he was ballsy enough to show up, unlike that rabble-rouser Rick Santelli who bailed out. And, he was man enough to admit that yes, he messed up. Hopefully, CNBC doesn't make him the scapegoat, because everyone there should be in hot water too, not just Kramer.

I just feel sad that it takes a comedy show to tell journalists to start acting like real journalists.

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Mad Poster
#2 Old 25th Mar 2009 at 5:31 AM
Are we the only ones who have watched this unfold??? I like that Jon Stewart, a comedian, was the one to call out these so called "journalists/experts." Apparently he raised quite a firestorm with everyone commenting on this debacle. Me likee!
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#3 Old 25th Mar 2009 at 2:37 PM
Quote: Originally posted by edejan
Are we the only ones who have watched this unfold??? I like that Jon Stewart, a comedian, was the one to call out these so called "journalists/experts." Apparently he raised quite a firestorm with everyone commenting on this debacle. Me likee!

Hopefully we're not the only ones. Jon Stewart is a legend in my mind - he took down Crossfire, and hopefully, CNBC (and other financial journalists) will buckle down under the scrutiny. And speaking of how "slow" the financial journalists can be, wasn't it TMZ who got the scoop on the lavish parties of bailed-out bank Northern Trust? I'm pretty sure TMZ did that exposé before the newspapers did.

Currently playing HP's Uber Megahood - check out http://simstate.wordpress.com
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