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#1 Old 3rd Nov 2008 at 7:10 PM
Default Creating default recolors?
I want to recolour some trees but don't want to go through the whole process of cloning the objects and adding all the bits that make it work with seasons so I figured that if I just recolor whats already there then I won't have to do anything else. But Where do I find the textures of trees?
The ModFather
retired moderator
#2 Old 4th Nov 2008 at 4:21 PM
The game textures are scattered in several packages.
The TXTR are all in the Object06.package, but there are also the LIFO textures in Objects07/08/09.

Maybe it would be easier if you use the "Finder" feature of SimPE.
First off, you need to know the CRES name of the tree you want to recolour; you can discover it cloning the tree with all the cloning options DESELECTED.
Then, select the Finder tab, select "NameMap Search" from the topmost drop-down list , and writhe the CRES name (without the _cres extension) in the "Match" field.
Click Start and SimPE will list all the resources containing the selected CRES name. You have to spot the TXTR and the LIFO and extract them (first, double-click on a TXTR, wait for SimPE to load the proper package, and then extract it).
Once you have extracted all the TXTR and LIFO, create a new empty package, load in it all the extracted resources, and edit the textures at will.

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