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#1 Old 24th May 2023 at 9:18 PM
Default Help I cannot get the cc or Mods to work in my games
Hello, this is my first time posting on a messaging board so if there's a formatting issue sorry. I am new to Trying to install custom content and I watched a whole bunch of YouTube videos I did everything step by step and nothing is installing into the game. I watched this one YouTube video and it led me to the Sims mod folder installer thingy. And then I realized I do not have all the folders in my Sims 3 documents, which might be my problem. However, as I said I'm very new and I just need help please get in touch with me for suggestions. [IMG]IMG_20230524_161434635[/IMG]
#2 Old 26th May 2023 at 2:12 AM
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This forum topic is also for mod creation, game help is over here. Message boards can be confusing to navigate for the first time, no worries.

I'd recommend starting from the beginning and move your (Documents>Electronic Arts>) The Sims 3 folder somewhere else- like onto your desktop. Then launch the game, which will generate a new one and all the subfolders it needs. Some might not appear until they're needed- like SavedSims might not be there until you export a sim- and that's okay. If you had saves, TS3 store content, etc in the old folder you can move those back into the new one.

Then take a look at Custom Content Basics to make sure you know where each file type belongs, and note the three links at the end of that page which will take you to tutorials on how to install each type. The Installing Sims 3 Package Files section has the mod folder setup and instructions on where to put it and how to test that it is working. Once you know that it's functional, you can move on to installing your CC.
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